Aimee Priem

Click on any of the following websites to help build your reading fluency and comprehension!

Free Rice - This website allows you to practice basic English grammar and vocabulary skills while helping people across the world (correct answers go towards donating food to needy individuals around the globe!)

Funbrain   - Once you reach this website, click on “reading.”  There are several games that you can play under the “Games” box, located on the lower right side of the screen. 


It’s Greek to Me - This is an excellent website to help you improve your grade in Language and Literature.  It has you practice your knowledge of Greek root words (many of which will appear on your Language and Literature vocabulary assessments)  


 Professor Garfield Reading Ring - This website uses comic strips to help students recognize story elements and sequence.  


Sheppard Software - This website allows students to practice word skills at a variety of levels.    Some recommendations include

·         SAT vocab in context

·         Adv. Vocab in context

·         Medical vocabulary

·         Computer vocabulary

·         SAT vocab the fun way


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